
Social DhammaDana Organization

Our Activities

Social Dhamma Dana Organization

Brief Organization History
Social Dhamma Dana Organization (SDDO) is a social non-government organization created on November 29, 2007, signed by Ministry of the Interior, according to letter registered No.060 SJN on January 15, 2008 by Ministry of the Interior, and letter registered No.001 on April 2, 2013 by Social Dhamma Dana Centre Organization. The SDDO has temporary headquarter at Batumvatey monastery, house#12, Sangkat Chatomuk, Khan DaunPenh, Phnom Penh. The organization’s headquarter can move in the necessary situations, depending on decision making of director and council of the organization. The organization does not find private profits, not have political tendency, not discriminate religions, races, colors, or not take party’s side, but it shall only provide the public benefits.

·        Maintaining morality, charity, and non-violence
·        Strengthening Buddhist schools from Buddhist elementary schools to Buddhist universities
·        Providing educations of health and hygiene for good living-lives
·        Protecting environments through creating garbage cans and collecting remainders to be healthy
·        Multiplying other skills to youths through professional-training educations
·        Preparing programs of ordaining Khmer persons through short courses

·        To make citizens to understand Buddhism’s advantages, obtain good health and environments, and change their lives to being better through educations and other professional trainings.

To reach the above purposes, the organization must have the flowing targets:
·        Educations, health, and hygiene
·        Maintaining environments
·        Multiplying other skills
·        Strengthening Buddhist schools
·        Propagating and printing

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